Thursday, February 10, 2011

Laugh Until You Die

You know the over-exaggerated phrases we use to describe how funny something is.  Without a doubt, you’ve used at least one (or one along the same lines) thus far in your lifetime. 

                  “I was laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe.” 

“That’s so funny; I’m dying from laughing.”  

                                     “I laughed until I died.” 

Well, did you ever stop to think where those phrases ever came from?  I mean, how did someone ever come to find some sort of relationship between laughing – something evoked from humor and happiness – and death?

Turns out, there is actually such a relationship.  Kuru, known to many as the New Guinea laughing disease, is a neurological disorder which causes various symptoms, one being uncontrollable outbursts of laughter.  Doesn't sound so bad, right?  Wrong.  Kuru is incurable and ultimately leads to death.  Though the laughing itself is not what directly causes the ultimate demise, it is still a component of this sickness.

Now, no one is to say that these phrases were derived from Kuru; scientists did discover it more recently than I would have thought (mid 1900s).  However, it is interesting to see that in a phrase which no one takes literally actually has some merit.

So, next time you've laugh so hard you think you might be die, remember that some people actually have.  Spooky.

If you're interested in learning more about this disease, please follow the link.  What you read will intrigue you -- if not disturb you -- I'm sure.


  1. This is so interesting! Your blog definitely made me click the link, thankyou. I like that you didn't put all the information from the article into your blog , like the part about cannibals, because when the reader does click on the link, there is more information to be found. It's not just a reworded version of the article.

    This article reminded me of something you'd find on Such a cool topic! Great job!

  2. That is wild. Nice layout by the way, your blog is aesthetically pleasing. Anyways, that certainly is one interesting fact about laughter and the dangers it may pose. NOBODY'S ever thought of the perils of laughter.
    That story certainly grabbed my attention; Chicago is the "Mecca" of comedy after all. And actually, I've been writing a stand-up comedy routine since last year. I'll have to share some of it with you and find out what you think.

    That's what classmates are for.

  3. It is crazy to think that you can die just by laughing. Every time we laugh we expect to have a good time and feel the greatness of happiness. When we laugh we don’t stop to think that we might die. It is interesting to actually hear that there is a disease for laughing. I thought I heard it all, but I now see that there is so much more to learn from others. Knowing that laughing can harm us is spooky as you say. I think I actually would look up the link to learn more about it. Thanks.

  4. This subject definitely caught my attention as well as others. When I started to read your blog I assumed that if people laugh too much it is possible they could die. However, this was not the case I learned as I read on. I was also skepticle of my first though because I have heard that it is better for your heart when you laugh and that you use less facial muscle to smile than frown. These are the reasons I kept reading and I am glad I did.
    I do not remember ever learning about Kuru and following the link taught me something new. I think it was smart not to include what exactly causes the disease because that could be left up to the imagination or would force the reader to investigate further. That is what I did and found the this disease is the result of cannibalism. I also learned from other websites that fear of this disease and related diseases caused countries to restrict certain people from donating blood.
    I am looking forward to future posts and I also like the layout!

  5. While I never knew you can die by laughing. I learned some thing new today. I never knew there was such a disease. and I work in the medical field for years. I have to read more on it.
